Floor clauses

Floor Clause Lawyers

Our experts will offer help in Córdoba, Sevilla and Madrid offices although we offer services anywhere in Spain.

Our team will help you recover your money after removing the floor clause from your mortgage. We take care of all the negotiations and judicial claims.

We help you to claim the Floor Clause in your home!
A multitude of favorable judgments endorse us!

How do I know if I am affected?

The Supreme Court Judgement of 9 May 2013, declared abusive all general terms and conditions with a lack of transparency should be annulled and void by reason of infringement.

As a result, the refund shall be paid for the quantity.

If you have any doubts, please contact our floor clause lawyers!

What is a Floor Clause?

The floor clause acts as a limit to the variability of the interest rate set in our loan agreement, the fluctuation of the interest rate is paralyzed, consequently becoming the variable rate loan agreement, due to the existence of the floor clause., since below the floor clause this variability will never occur.

This lack of information on the introduction of the limit on variability is what determines that the term is unfair and consequently deserves to be penalized with nullity and void.

Latest judgements won after claiming the Floor Clause

Here you can see some of the sentences won:

Judgment 1160/21


Judgment 1996/21


Judgment 336/22


Judgment Nº 336/22



Recovery of the amount of a floor clause since the start of the loan

Córdoba Judgment


Judgment 640/2022


Judgment 1032

Jaén, 29/09/22

Judgment 986/2022 | Floor Clause

Judgment 986/2022

Jaén, 21/12/22

Do you want us to help you Claim the Floor Clause?

Fill in the form below and our expert floor clause lawyers will get in touch with you.


Avda. del Gran Capitán, 17 1º


C/ Abogada Aurora León, 2, 1º


Nuestro proyecto de implantación y desarrollo de soluciones de transformación digital en la gestión empresarial / incorporación de estrategias de marketing digital en la actividad de la empresa en la localidad de Córdoba, que tiene como objetivo contribuir a la modernización digital y a la mejora de la competitividad de las entidades andaluzas, ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea y de la Junta de Andalucía con cargo al Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2014-2020.

Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2014-2020